
254 lines
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package esquery
// TermsAggregation represents an aggregation of type "terms", as described in
// search-aggregations-bucket-terms-aggregation.html
type TermsAggregation struct {
name string
field string
size *uint64
shardSize *float64
showTermDoc *bool
aggs []Aggregation
order map[string]string
include []string
// TermsAgg creates a new aggregation of type "terms". The method name includes
// the "Agg" suffix to prevent conflict with the "terms" query.
func TermsAgg(name, field string) *TermsAggregation {
return &TermsAggregation{
name: name,
field: field,
// Name returns the name of the aggregation.
func (agg *TermsAggregation) Name() string {
// Size sets the number of term buckets to return.
func (agg *TermsAggregation) Size(size uint64) *TermsAggregation {
agg.size = &size
return agg
// ShardSize sets how many terms to request from each shard.
func (agg *TermsAggregation) ShardSize(size float64) *TermsAggregation {
agg.shardSize = &size
return agg
// ShowTermDocCountError sets whether to show an error value for each term
// returned by the aggregation which represents the worst case error in the
// document count.
func (agg *TermsAggregation) ShowTermDocCountError(b bool) *TermsAggregation {
agg.showTermDoc = &b
return agg
// Aggs sets sub-aggregations for the aggregation.
func (agg *TermsAggregation) Aggs(aggs ...Aggregation) *TermsAggregation {
agg.aggs = aggs
return agg
// Order sets the sort for terms agg
func (agg *TermsAggregation) Order(order map[string]string) *TermsAggregation {
agg.order = order
return agg
// Include filter the values for buckets
func (agg *TermsAggregation) Include(include ...string) *TermsAggregation {
agg.include = include
return agg
// Map returns a map representation of the aggregation, thus implementing the
// Mappable interface.
func (agg *TermsAggregation) Map() map[string]interface{} {
innerMap := map[string]interface{}{
"field": agg.field,
if agg.size != nil {
innerMap["size"] = *agg.size
if agg.shardSize != nil {
innerMap["shard_size"] = *agg.shardSize
if agg.showTermDoc != nil {
innerMap["show_term_doc_count_error"] = *agg.showTermDoc
if agg.order != nil {
innerMap["order"] = agg.order
if agg.include != nil {
if len(agg.include) <= 1 {
innerMap["include"] = agg.include[0]
} else {
innerMap["include"] = agg.include
outerMap := map[string]interface{}{
"terms": innerMap,
if len(agg.aggs) > 0 {
subAggs := make(map[string]map[string]interface{})
for _, sub := range agg.aggs {
subAggs[sub.Name()] = sub.Map()
outerMap["aggs"] = subAggs
return outerMap
// DateHistogramAggregation represents an aggregation of type "date_histogram", as described in
// search-aggregations-bucket-datehistogram-aggregation.html
type DateHistogramAggregation struct {
name string
field string
calendarInterval string
fixedInterval string
format string
offset string
keyed *bool
minDocCount *uint64
missing string
order map[string]string
aggs []Aggregation
// DateHistogramAgg creates a new aggregation of type "date_histogram".
func DateHistogramAgg(name, field string) *DateHistogramAggregation {
return &DateHistogramAggregation{
name: name,
field: field,
// Name returns the name of the aggregation.
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Name() string {
// Aggs sets sub-aggregations for the aggregation.
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Aggs(aggs ...Aggregation) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.aggs = aggs
return agg
// CalendarInterval sets calendarInterval
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) CalendarInterval(interval string) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.calendarInterval = interval
return agg
// Fixedinterval sets fixedInterval
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Fixedinterval(interval string) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.fixedInterval = interval
return agg
// Format sets format
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Format(format string) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.format = format
return agg
// Offset sets offset
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Offset(offset string) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.offset = offset
return agg
// Order sets the sort for terms agg
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Order(order map[string]string) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.order = order
return agg
// Keyed sets keyed is true or false
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Keyed(keyed bool) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.keyed = &keyed
return agg
// Missing sets missing value
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Missing(missing string) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.missing = missing
return agg
// MinDocCount sets min doc count
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) MinDocCount(minDocCount uint64) *DateHistogramAggregation {
agg.minDocCount = &minDocCount
return agg
// Map returns a map representation of the aggregation, thus implementing the
// Mappable interface.
func (agg *DateHistogramAggregation) Map() map[string]interface{} {
innerMap := map[string]interface{}{
"field": agg.field,
if agg.calendarInterval != "" {
innerMap["calendar_interval"] = agg.calendarInterval
if agg.fixedInterval != "" {
innerMap["fixed_interval"] = agg.fixedInterval
if agg.format != "" {
innerMap["format"] = agg.format
if agg.offset != "" {
innerMap["offset"] = agg.offset
if agg.missing != "" {
innerMap["missing"] = agg.missing
if agg.minDocCount != nil {
innerMap["min_doc_count"] = agg.minDocCount
if agg.keyed != nil {
innerMap["keyed"] = *agg.keyed
if agg.order != nil {
innerMap["order"] = agg.order
outerMap := map[string]interface{}{
"date_histogram": innerMap,
if len(agg.aggs) > 0 {
subAggs := make(map[string]map[string]interface{})
for _, sub := range agg.aggs {
subAggs[sub.Name()] = sub.Map()
outerMap["aggs"] = subAggs
return outerMap